Thursday, December 20, 2012

Since the world is going to end tomorrow...

Since the world is going to end tomorrow, I figured now would be a good time to add a post. I really should do this more often. I'm not sure why I should do this more often, but I suppose it is kind of fun in a way. The reason I haven't posted anything in a long time is that I've been away doing school things. Also I just plain forgot and or got lazy. But mostly school things. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm currently attending the University of Washington for a double BA in Psychology and Sociology with a minor in ASL. I plan to stick around for a double MA in mental health and nonverbal communication. Although I may end up moving down to northern Oregon and trying to get my MA there. We shall see. Why would I move to Oregon you ask? Well...

About 3 years ago I met someone at con. We didn't really chat at all for the year following our meeting due to her already having partners and being in a closed group, so we didn't exchange numbers. She lived in Oregon anyway, so the odds of hanging out were slim. The following year at con we did hang out a little more and chat some and it was fun and flirty. And flirting is always fun. And so, if i recall correctly, we exchanged numbers and we did a little chatting during the year long break between con's that followed, but not very much. This most recent year the flirting reached critical mass. We weren't really able to spend very much time together at con, but it was fairly obvious that sparks were there. We have chatted much since last con. And even finally were able to see each other outside of con when she came up into the city to visit. Since then, it's been kind of crazy. Tons of texting, pictures sent back and forth, and keeping in constant contact about whats going on with each other day to day and week to week. She is awesome. So are her partners. I can't say enough good things. Finally being twitterpated again feels good. It's different every time, and it's awesome every time, and this time is very different, and very the same. It makes me grin like an idiot.

The quad consists of the girl I'm twitterpated with, her girlfriend, whom I am also twitterpated with in equal amount, (different but equal), and each of their boyfriends. The girls are both amazing and I can't describe or explain how great it feels to have met them both. I feel like this very well might be a thing, *the* thing, that I could do for long term. At the very least I want to try. I just hope that the two boys in the quad accept me soon for I very much would like to join them all. You would think that 3 years would be long enough for them to know that I'm not just trying to hook up with the girls and bail out, but oh well. They care about the girls, and that is certainly not something I'm going to complain about at all, especially since I feel the same way. I can't wait to call them my girlfriends. Just thinking of being able to do that gives me butterflies in my stomach and makes me feel a little protective of them, in a good way.

Here's hoping that it's not the end of the world, if for no other reason than for the sake of love.

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